Saturday, August 7, 2010

A Chris Sanders business card

My director, Chris, saw Rad's business cards and was dying to have some of his own. How could I say no to the chance to letterpress an incredibly talented and famous artist's business cards? I couldn't. Here they are. They were terrifying and intimidating to print. They were even more terrifying to present to him; thank goodness he liked them.

I ran into the same problem printing Chris' signature as I did with printing Rad's name in the cards below. They took SO MUCH INK to lay a solid color on the letters and took many tries, but after printing Rad's the week before, I was more aggressive in getting enough ink on the rollers. Another problem I ran into is that when I flipped the paper over to print the tiger (I printed that part last), I noticed that it lifted the impression on the text side up a little. The impression is still there, but not as deep as I'd like. Something to remember for the next time I print something double-sided.


  1. Hey just wanted to say thank you for sharing your work. I can see your work helped me alot with mine!

  2. These are the coolest cards I've seen! Great work all the way around!

  3. these are simple and beautiful design..Great work all around..i wish to use this design for Metal business cards.

  4. These are great. So stunning design. They will help me so much in designing my plastic business cards. Thanks for sharing.

  5. These are so simple and artistic.Thanks for sharing.
    Plastic card Printing

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  7. what font is used for the name??
